Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Times They Are a Changin........

Upstairs in our room there is a new piece of furniture. It is a pink bassinet handed down from FF#3. She came on Thursday w/food, a huge bag of girly clothes for the fall/winter, and the most frilly, girly bassinet I have ever seen. I love it. As if it were not cute enough, the Monkey laid a tiny yellow crocheted sweater and hat inside after I had washed them. They're just laying inside, waiting for the June Bug to arrive. They are on loan from Lorraine and were once worn by her daughter who is now unbelievably, a tween. When June Bug grows out of them, I will pack them away until the tween is 40 and has her own children. Okay, she can start in her thirties.

Just like in a biological family, things of sentimental value and beauty are handed down to us from our family of choice. The women who are part of my tribe share their memories and in turn become part of the fabric of our lives. It makes me feel loved.

I stare at that bassinet and try to envision what the June Bug will look like laying there. Of course, she is always very peaceful and happy in my vision. Reality will ensue soon, for now I can be delusional.


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